Add A New AST

It is very complicated and I would suggest avoid doing this, but if it is necessary, here are things we need to do:


ASTDecl.hpp is the header file for AST Forward Declaration. Every AST class need to be declared in this file before adding to any other file.


AST.hpp is the header file that defines all AST classes. Every AST class need to be defined in this file after declared in ASTDecl.hpp.

You must inplement hint() function for the new AST class.


Styio has many visitors for double dispatching, and that is in dark.


StyioAnalyzerVisitor is a type derived from AnalyzerVisitor, which is used to convert ast to string and type inference (etc. type checking).

  1. We need to add the new AST into StyioAnalyzerVisitor type.

using StyioAnalyzerVisitor = AnalyzerVisitor< NewAST >
  1. Add toString and typeInfer functions into the StyioAnalyzer class.


Styio uses CRTP to generate virtual functions for each AST. The virtual functions are in the template class StyioNode. All virtual functions should be implemented in different files.

ToStringImpl.cpp is the file for toString function. We need to implement the toString function for the new AST.


TypeInferImpl.cpp is the file for typeInfer function. We need to implement the typeInfer function for the new AST.


This is another visitor just like StyioAnalyzerVisitor. It is used to generate LLVM IR.

  1. We need to add the new AST into StyioCodeGenVisitor type.

using StyioCodeGenVisitor = CodeGenVisitor< NewAST >
  1. Add getLLVMType and toLLVMIR functions into StyioToLLVMIR class.


CodeGenImpl.cpp is the file for toLLVMIR function. We need to implement the toLLVMIR function for the new AST.


GetTypeImpl.cpp is the file for getLLVMType function. We need to implement the getLLVMType function for the new AST.

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